Hastings - Early Intervention in Psychosis Service Referral (EIPS)

Early Intervention in Psychosis Service (EIPS) - Hastings
Hastings Early Intervention Services, Bexhill Health Centre, Holliers Hill, Bexhill-On-Sea, TN40 2DZ
T: 01424 726500
E: spnt.hastingseip@nhs.net
Please complete all sections at the point of referral.
Please indicate if the information requested is 'NOT APPLICABLE' or 'UNKNOWN'.

Hastings - Early Intervention in Psychosis Service Referral (EIPS)

Person Referred

Gender: *
Vocational / Education Status: *

Do they consent to us contacting these agencies?

Service user aware of referral? *

Key Family or Friend contact

Is this person aware of referral?
Permission from client to contact?


Is the GP aware of referral?


Reason for Referral


Is there an up to date risk assessment? *

Mental Health

Current Treatment

Drug and Alcohol Use

Please email us the following blood test results if these have been carried out in the last 3 months: FBC, U&E, LFT, TFT, prolactin, lipids, HBA1C, B12, folate and Vitamin D. Email to spnt.hastingseip@nhs.net.

Terms & Conditions

On receipt of the referral, we will consider whether or not the EIPS service may be the most appropriate service. If an appointment is offered this will be prioritised based on the presenting need.

The information you have provided will only be used for the purpose of receiving your referral and contacting you for further information about your referral if required. Your information will not be shared with anyone else without your consent. Information will be held as a part of the service user's record in line with the NHS Records Management Code of Practice.